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Thursday 5 October 2017

lingering odor

ASource images: hereinfranklin.wordpress.com, rollingstone.com
“[...] But now that self-contained bullshit refinery has reached its logical end-state. It has fulfilled its critical role in building a racist, paranoid political base that is completely impervious to reason and fully-reprogrammable by demagogues like Limbaugh and Hannity and Trump and a political party leadership which is only interested in gutting government and eliminating taxes on behalf of the plutocrats who foot the bill for this abomination. Which means relentlessly pandering to that base.  Which, in turn, means pandering to the whims of Limbaugh and Hannity and Trump.
     Which, you longtime readers might remember, is an outcome which Mr. David Brooks once swore was impossible, and mocked Liberals for even suggesting such as thing as deranged:
[…] His article from February 5, 2001, in the Weekly Standard:
     ‘What on earth has gotten into the liberals and the media? Perhaps affected by some sort of post-Palm Beach stress disorder, reporters and activists on the left have depicted George W. Bush as the leader of some sort of arch-conservative jihad. They've portrayed his tax plan as dangerously radical, some of his nominees as Confederacy-loving loons, and his voucher plan as a menace to the future of public education. To put it bluntly, this is all deranged. You get the impression that the left has actually started believing its own direct-mail fund-raising letters…’’’
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Wednesday 4 October 2017

a tosser...

Photo: New York Daily News

“A ‘tosser’ is literally a man who is overly fond of masturbation. By extension in general usage, it denotes someone (usually male) who behaves in a selfish and inconsiderate manner. It is almost identical in meaning and usage to the word 'wanker' but is perhaps considered slightly less vulgar.
     In Britain, tossers are most commonly observed while driving or while queueing for a drink at a crowded bar. The same tossers may later be found shouting and singing loudly in densely-populated areas late at night, and playing their music too loud when they get back to their poorly insulated apartment.”
— Simon Crump, commenting on the definition of “tosser” (Quora.com)
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“America will not survive this moment unchanged. Great powers often fall from within. Some future Edward Gibbon will write about this moment in lucid detail. Alas, we are living through it in real time. History will condemn Donald Trump's voters, supporters and enablers. But history will also not be kind to those who stood by mute, crippled from fear, who surrendered to learned helplessness or believed that Trump's America would be but a blip or interesting curiosity in the country's history. The American people's hands are now collectively stained, and the mark may be indelible.”
— Chauncey DeVega, Salon
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